Willow Bottlebrush

Callistemon salignus

Common name: Willow Bottlebrush  

First Nations name: Birdak (Noongar people) 

Scientific name: Callistemon salignus  

Height: 5 to 12m tall.

Bark: Flakey paper-like bark. 

Leaves: Leaves narrow, mostly 6–9 cm long, 5–14 mm wide. 

Flowers: Flowers are white or creamy-white and it blooms in the spring and summertime. 

First Nations Uses: The flowers of the Bottlebrush were sucked because of their sweet nectar and used to make sweet drinks.  

Willow Bottlebrush_01
Geographical location: Endemic to eastern Australia. 

Conservation status: Least concern 

Photo & Research by: Zoe 

Interesting fact:

It has many names such False Rattan, Whip Vine, Bull cane, Flagellraia and the Supplejack.