Inspired Wellbeing at ILC

Happy, confident children make the best learners. If there’s one thing our parent community always says, it’s how happy their children are at Immanuel Lutheran College. Your child will always have caring, nurturing professionals to help them develop confidence, self-awareness and growth.

We believe that inspiring children to develop special interests and nurture their talents in a positive and engaging environment is the pathway to academic achievement along with holistic wellness. Immanuel’s student wellbeing program aims to assist your children to become happy, balanced adults.

Years 6-9 at Immanuel Lutheran College

Positive psychology in the classroom and in the schoolyard

Immanuel’s Student Wellbeing Framework is implemented across all areas of school life with positive psychology principles drawn from PERMA-V and Restorative Practices models.

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Lucy the qualified therapy dog

Yes, it’s true. We have a wellbeing dog! Lucy the qualified therapy dog - is always ready for deployment with her calming presence to assist in the support of children’s learning and emotional wellbeing.

High School Students at our Mt Binga Campus

Mt Binga personal development program

A Year 10 rite of passage developing personal growth, self-sufficiency and resilience at the Mt Binga Outdoor Education Centre.

High school students learning orienteering at our Mt Binga campus

Outdoor education

Immanuel’s unique outdoor education program combines core elements of the curriculum to promote your child’s leadership skills, mindfulness and environmental consciousness.

Wellbeing officer at Immauel Lutheran College - Mental Health is a top consideration at our Sunshine Coast school

Learning Enhancement Program

Educators mentored in innovative strategies and resources remove all barriers to learning, whether physical, social, emotional or intellectual. We develop a lifelong ‘can do’ mindset in your child so they can reach their full potential.

Our School Chaplaincy Service

Chaplaincy at Immanuel

College Chaplain Gayla Mathews is always there to lend an ear, a helping hand and an open heart to our students. Gayla also facilitates Worship and devotional support from Prep to Year 12.


Our student wellbeing team

A proactive student wellbeing team is ready to reach out to children struggling with social or emotional challenges. All staff at Immanuel undergo extensive professional development in student wellbeing and restorative practices. See Our School Policies Here. 

Primary School Students at ILC Private School Buderim

Qualified and experienced student counselling at Immanuel

We are there to listen to your child when they’re experiencing tough times or simply need clarity with a highly qualified and popular counsellor on staff.